Blast Off Back To School Bus Craft


We love to celebrate all the different stages of life, events, and holidays in our daycare. September is definitely the best time to promote back to school and education! Keeping the joy and happiness of school can be a challenge as kids get older so if you try to keep it fun and exciting even when they are teens it can help encourage the positive experience. We love to enjoy all kinds of back to school activities and create plenty of our own that we share with our amazing community! 

As an artist who loves to create new and exciting crafts for the kids in my care I have come up with some pretty neat projects! This is our adorable Blast Off To School Bus Craft!

You will need:

Toilet paper rolls or construction paper

Glue or vinyl

String or ribbon

Cellophane and stickers to decorate

1. Start by creating the cylinder for your bus. You can do this by rolling yellow construction paper into a cylinder or using toilet paper rolls and covering them in vinyl or yellow paint.  

2. After you get the busses yellow and bright begin by making wheels and windows. You can let the kids draw them on or use vinyl and cut the pieces for them for easier production. 

3. Loop a string through the yellow cylinder to create a loop that can be used as a necklace or a string for flying your blast off bus.

4. Add a front end using a cup cut to fit in the front and attach with tape or glue. Add  a cellophane tail like streams of rocket fuel blasting out the back end to create the full look of the rocket bus! 

That’s it, then teach the kids a few wheels on the bus songs and let them play with their new rocket busses taking kids off to school!  

For an amazing list of back to school activities for your kids check out this amazing post on our other website:


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